On Thu, 2014-11-13 at 11:23 -0600, The Devils Jester wrote:
> In a nutshell I am (more or less) trying to simulate a vertical layout
> manager using a GtkFixed layout manager. I have specific need to do this,
> rather than just use the Gtk provided one.

If you need a kind of container that GTK+ does not provide, you really
should just subclass GtkContainer and implement the size requesting
and size allocation methods.

Trying to simulate it using a GtkFixed and setting size requests might
seem tempting, but just wont get you what you want, if what you want
is content driven size allocations (you will find yourself in a catch 22
very quickly, where the size you previously forced on a child is
reported when you ask for it's new size, hence you can never know what
it's new requested size might be, because you already forced it


> The problem occurs when I have to resize a widget in the GtkFixed
> container.  The function I am using for this is
> gtk_widget_set_size_request.  The widget resizes (in this case it stretches
> to fit the "container size"), but then the window can never be resized to
> smaller than the widget size.   I can make the window larger (which makes
> the container larger, which makes the widget larger) but I can never make
> the window smaller because the size request holds it to a minimum size.
> How can I resize the widget in a way that the window will ignore its size
> when calculating the minimum window size?
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