On Thu, 14 Apr 2016 09:30:10 +0200
Ondrej Tuma <konfere...@webjet.cz> wrote:

> Where is benefits of this, sorry, stupid decision. When i use Stock
> Items, i have my application base translated to all languages which Gtk
> have. How can i do that without Stock Items ? I hope, that I had missed
> something. Please tell me what.

I might be wrong, but there are still standard items (they're not
called Stock Items anymore). They're not called by their Stock name,
but still get translated automatically. They are not in a box called
Stock Items, but instead come from Icon Themes:

This is the old and new way compared:

button = gtk_button_new_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_SAVE);

button = gtk_button_new_with_mnemonic (_(“_Save”));

Have a look at the announcement of the 'new' way:


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