(Approximate repost of a message I sent with a wrong From address; looks like the mods haven't delivered nor rejected it, hence the repost, but I don't have the original message so this will break the thread. Sorry for that.)

Andrew Robinson:
So is that how to actually get help on the GTK Dev forums? Beg for help? I thought posting a problem would be enough, but okay then ...

In my frame, saying please is not begging. I found your "Show me your code" a bit too imperative. Also, the etiquette in MLs is different from that in StackExchange. But well, I'm not a native English speaker.

Your source code doesn't work, so let's compare environments. I have:

1) Windows7
2) Win32 version of GTK+, version 3.18
3) The pathname that doesn't work contains the UTF-16 character, U+2026

Again, I cross-compiled in Linux for Win32, linking the last GTK2 (2.24.X I think) statically. Executable tested in Win XP.

NOTE: The UTF-8 version of U+2026 is 0E280A6h, but Windows doesn't support UTF-8.

I don't know how the infinity symbol I used is coded in Windows. I inserted it with the help of the character map tool. It displays properly in the file explorer.

Here is where the problem occurs (simplified):

  oSrcFilename = gtk_file_chooser_get_filename(oBtnSrcFile);

I looked at your code and could see nothing different about it in this regards

I spot one difference in that I call g_file_new_for_path to turn the filename string into a GFile. Maybe this is relevant, maybe not, I can't tell.


Lucas Levrel
gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

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