
I would like to implement a custom cell renderer for buttons but can't
figure out how. I looked at the source code for GtkCellRendererToggle
and the only code that might even be remotely connected to rendering a
checkbox or radio button in a cell seems to use a class that is called

I couldn't find any info on that class so I'm assuming this is
something internal and not meant for outside use?

I tried to render a button using the render vfunc but I keep getting
failing assertions about the the size of the button not having been
allocated prior to the call to gtk_widget_draw. This is the code I've
got so far:

    static void
    render(GtkCellRenderer* r, cairo_t* cr, GtkWidget* w,
           const GdkRectangle* background_area,
           const GdkRectangle* cell_area,
           GtkCellRendererState state)
        GtkWidget* button = gtk_button_new_with_label("Click me!");
        gtk_widget_set_allocation(button, cell_area);
        gtk_widget_draw(button, cr);

This obviously doesn't allow for handling any click events anyway so
I'm probably going about this the wrong way. Any pointers in the right
direction would be appreciated.

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