> In gdk manual i see thath gdk_threads_enter and leave has been
> deprecated and alll gdk and gtk+ calls should be made from main thread.
> How we do this? Someone have any example?
> You have to call g_idle_add (that is thread safe) every time you need to
update one or more widgets from an external thread.

Let's think about a common situation, for instance you are encoding a video
file and you want to update a progress bar:

[from encoding thread]
struct progress {
    char label[50];
    float value;

myprg = malloc(sizeof(struct progress));
myprg->value = 75.0;
strncpy(myprg->label, "Second pass", sizeof(myprg->label));
g_idle_add((GCallback)progress_update, myprg);

gboolean progress_update(struct progress *p);
     return FALSE; // it means that you want to run this only once

* Gabry*
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