Il Sat, 17 Feb 2018 21:32:19 +0100 (CET) Wojciech Puchar <> 

> i want in my program to change background color of the gtk_button to red 
> sometimes as a signal to the user.
> it works fine with default theme but not with some other themes like 
> E17gtk.
> how to fix this and ENFORCE color of button?


you can't. Some theme (e.g. the ones based on the pixmap engine)
can use images and totally ignore the background colors you set.
E17gtk seems to be pixmap based:

You can disable the engine and style from scratch, but this will
quickly end up in creating a new theme.

If you want full control over something just use a canvas. Don't
try to bend the theme to do what they are not supposed to do, e.g.
change the background image to something "redish" because you set
a red background.

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