A number of interesting issues get raised when one talks about scalable canvases, especially when the complexity of the rendered content changes with 'zoom level'.

It may be important to distinguish between scaled-canvas-size, and notional "zoom level". For instance, a user with poor vision may never be able to use the "fit to window" view effectively. At the same time, such a user may have an even greater need for a good "30 thousand foot view" of the canvas than a user with good eyesight, because high scale factors (or other factors such as poor peripheral vision) already make their field of view small. My opinion is that zoom and physical scalability must be decoupled for this reason. It may also be useful to "ordinary" users to have some control over the level of detail rendered in the various canvas sizes.

Related issues arise for blind users (they, too, need control over the "zoom level") and for users with mobility problems (they need control over the size of point-and-click targets, and may need for assistive technologies like GOK to help them interact with the canvas). So accessibility of a complex canvas must include the ability to represent the individual components on the canvas as accessible objects in their own right. We may need to add some attribution to pieces of the accessibility hierarchy to indicate the "level of detail" at which an object becomes relevant, or may choose for the objects to come and go as they go into and out of the visible scope.

Just something to keep in mind... since adding good accessibility support now will be much easier than trying to force-fit it later.


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