Am Samstag, den 21.04.2007, 11:57 -0500 schrieb Yevgen Muntyan:
> Federico Mena Quintero wrote:
> [snip]
> > [Side note... at this point I think doing a canvas in C is a big
> > mistake.  Interesting canvases will inevitably get cycles in the pointer
> > graph, and reference counting becomes just too painful then.  [This is
> > irrelevant to .net or whatever; it's a general We Should Stop Writing
> > Nontrivial Shit In C thing.  People would be really really happy with
> > the Piccolo.NET API implemented with pygtk or gtk-sharp.]]
> >   
> Only mono (python) people would be happy with whatever implemented
> in gtk-sharp (python). If it's not C, then everybody implements same
> thing in their favorite language. Unfortunately, "it is just hard to
> implement so we use that one" works only if "that one" is written in
> C. Even if you forget about problems of interoperability between
> different languages (some bindings do work two ways, e.g. pygtk;
> some don't, e.g. gtkmm).
> So while it's good to write something totally good in C# (and same thing
> about python, vala, C++, and lisp), it's totally useless as "GTK canvas".

I agree for you, expect for Vala where you are wrong: Vala doesn't
directly produce machine or byte code, it produces standard C code with
standard C headers. So technically writing something in Vala is the same
as writing something in C - expect that you save alot of typing. As the
Vala parser itself is avaiable as GObject library, it even should by
extremly easy to generate GAPI files for language bindings directly
(without parsing the generated C code).

Mathias Hasselmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Mathias Hasselmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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