On Mon, 23 Apr 2007, Martyn Russell wrote:

> Martyn Russell wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I recently commented on the mailing list [1] about improving the GTK+
>> web site so that .html files don't include formatting. The idea was to
>> make it easier for developers and anyone else contributing patches to
>> focus on content and not have to worry about style. For a while now, I
>> have thought that the GTK+ web site is in dire need of updating, to give
>> it a more professional look and feel.
>> I spent some time looking into the structure of the gtk-web SVN module
>> to familiarise myself and formulate some questions, so before I continue:
> After speaking with Jeff Waugh on IRC tonight, he mentioned an idea I
> too had been considering this week. The idea was to use some kind of
> Wiki for the gtk.org site and use aliases to link to documentation.

with the current state of the gtk.org machine and limited available HD space,
i'd not dare to change the web system for www.gtk.org. the Gimp project has
cleared the necessary money for setting up a new machine, Manish Singh is
supposed to be setting that up at some point and migrate the current gtk.org
machine contents (websites, homes, ftp area, etc.) over to it.
once that has been accomplished we can look into moving gtk.org to a CMS,
given that there's no migration deadline for that yet though, i doubt
CMS migration discussions have much merit for the moment.

> Regards,
> Martyn

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