On Tue, 2007-05-15 at 22:20 -0400, Tim Evans wrote:
> g_ascii_dtostr converts a double to a string with enough precision that 
> if the string is converted back to a double the value will be the same. 
>   This is, I imagine, and operation that is commonly needed, and often 
> done incorrectly when people just use "%g" in a printf.
> I think that g_ascii_dtostr could be a lot more useful if it added 
> another constraint: that it will produce the *shortest* string that 
> fulfills it's current design.  For example, rather than 
> g_ascii_dtostr(1.1) producing "1.1000000000000001" it would produce 
> "1.1".  This functionality is found in other languages, such as 
> Double.toString in Java.
> The files I've attached two files: dtoa.c and g_fmt.c, the first is the 
> code that seems to be used by everyone else that does this task, the 
> second is basically an example of how to use it to produce a "%g" type 
> output.  The files are under an MIT-like license.
> Does anyone think that this type of function would be useful in GLib?

I totally agree with you on the usefulness of what you suggest.
However, a complete implementation of dtostr in glib is
wasteful/impractical/problematic.  You can see that in the size of the
implementation you sent already.

I can think of a completely different technique that works most of the
time and if much much simpler:  Detect that by adding an undetectable
amount of error you can round "1.1000000000000001" down one digit.  When
you do that, it goes straight to desired "1.1".  Same
about .999999999999 sequences.


"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little
 Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
        -- Benjamin Franklin, 1759

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