>  First of all, configure script is used only for gcc and automake routines.

Currently, in practise, yes. It is quite possible that at some point
automake and libtool could handle also a build that uses the Microsoft
compiler. (Either through directly supporting it, or by using some
wrapper. There are a few such wrappers already, and I have too been
tinkering on one now and then, see
http://svn.gnome.org/viewvc/build/trunk/win32/cl-wrapper.c?view=log )

And then there are other compilers for Windows than gcc and
Microsoft's, too, like Intel's for instance.

> This part of script requires an predefined type in one word (!) which has the
> size of "long long". In this case, int64 is correct answer for win32 and 
> win64.

It doesn't have to be one word. Just adding some quotes to
configure.in makes "long long" work fine, too, I think. And __int64 is
the more portable name for a 64-bit integer on Windows, I would say.
("portable" in the sense known to both MSVC and gcc.)

> Also we should use
[ inline stuff ]

OK, will check and fix.

>  In any case during compilation we'll have a lot of warnings about INT to
> POINTER conversions.

Yep. I will try to get rid of those.

(Now running 64-bit Vista on the "living room" computer, so I can
actually even run the 64-bit GTK+ stack eventually...)

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