
I have committed a couple of patches to gtk+ trunk today and merged all
of them to the gtk-2-14 branch. These commits resurrect basic
functionality of the DirectFB GTK+ backend. There are still issues,
quite a few things don't work correctly. But so far I haven't seen any
crashes in the few tests I did. I'd very much appreciate more people
testing this and reporting problems at bugzilla.gnome.org. Most
appreciated are of course patches that fix the remaining issues. I won't
be able to deal with these problems myself. But I can help to get your
patches committed.

You can get an overview of the commits in the ChangeLog:

If you want to test this, I suggest that you checkout the gtk-2-14
branch as it is less demanding in its dependencies compared to trunk:

svn checkout http://svn.gnome.org/svn/gtk+/branches/gtk-2-14


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