2009/7/31 Jody Goldberg <j...@gnome.org>:
> On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 02:48:47PM +0200, Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've been eye balling the GIO docs for a while without finding
>> in-/output for gzip compression... So if I missed it stop me now :-)
>> From the looks of it, it should be straight forward to write
>> GZip{In,Out}putStream classes based on zlib[1]. If I write these
>> classes would a zlib dep. be OK for GIO? It is pretty ubiquitous as
>> far as I can tell (and it is already a depency of Gtk+)... And I am
>> not really all that keen on writing my own gzip/DEFLATE implementation
>> (to say the least).
>> Another thing is the naming. Since this is not about supporting the
>> Zip archive format (but that would be nice too) the name GZip*Stream
>> might be bad. On the other hand i abhor the ALLCAPS GZIPInputStream
>> used in fx. Java. What about GGZip*Stream - eeek!?
> libgsf has all these, along with a gio wrapper.

I assume you mean:
http://projects.gnome.org/libgsf/gsf-Compression.html? I could not
find the GIO wrapper in the documentation (assuming that it is
unreleased yet?). Anyways - my question is really if this
functionality should not be in GLib/GIO?

Adding a native GIO impl. would of course be looking heavily towards
what already exists in Gsf.

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