Hi Mark,

On Tue, 2009-10-20 at 16:34 +0200, Mark wrote:

> Now can we please quit bashing the idea that there will be 2
> thumbnailing services in a few months time and can i get some
> constructive feedback about the ideas in my first post?
> Can i get the:
> - Git
> - gnome sub domain
> - blog for this project on planet gnome and/or gtk

gtk-devel-list is *really* not the right place for this kind of
requests. Please read [1] for information about the GIT account
requests, [2] for Planet GNOME and [3] for the GNOME website.
Anyway, it seems to me that not having these kind of resources available
right now (or even not having them at all) should not block any
development of your project.

For what concerns the project itself, I don't like see people
duplicating efforts; as others already told you, I really can't see the
point of rush-writing a daemon that will be, in your own words, less
functional than something which is already widely used in two big
platforms and which has a well-defined spec many people already agreed
upon. Unless you see something so fundamentally broken in the
ThumanailerSpec or in Tumbler that could only be solved with a rewrite
from scratch of everything.

If I were you, I would really make a step back and reconsider what other
people proposed you, be it a specialized thumbnailer for some format, or
a library with optimized thumbnailing algorithms with a demo test-drive
thumbnailer attached.

[1] http://live.gnome.org/NewAccounts
[2] http://live.gnome.org/PlanetGnome
[3] http://live.gnome.org/Sysadmin/WebSites



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