2011/11/2 Alexander Larsson <al...@redhat.com>:
> The gtk-2-24-win32 branch is now in a pretty good state. I fixed a lot
> of bugs from bugzilla and stuff from dieters testing
> (https://live.gnome.org/GTK%2B/Win32/test-gtk-2-24-win32). I think this
> is in a state where we might want to merge it into master. I fixed most
> core issues, although I didn't fix the MS-Windows misrendering bugs that
> dieter pointed out.

Nice work.

> So, could everyone interested in the windows support test this please.
> I'd like to make a 2.24 release with this stuff in it so that we have a
> final Gtk2 with good win32 support. Obviously we don't want to have any
> bad regressions for existing Gtk win32 apps in this release, so *please*
> test stuff.

I tested it by building it on the OBS and compiling my app against the
new packages. Testing went well under Windows XP and 7. Several things
I noticed before have improved now. Thank you very much for your

The only regression I could spot was caused by defaulting to the
ms-windows theme. It only popped up because my app uses a
murrine-based theme. The solution was to override some settings from
ms-windows gtkrc to the murrine gtkrc. Even though for me it was a
regression, I don't think that commit has to be changed, as almost
nobody uses the murrine theme engine on windows.

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