Hi Carlos,

Just wanted to provide some design feedback after some testing of your patch 
inside of the GTK3 based Sugar – on an XO-4 Touch. Items are mainly related to 
the context menu behaviour:

On 11 Jan 2013, at 17:24, Carlos Garnacho <carl...@gnome.org> wrote:

> Hello GTK+ list,
> I went ahead at implementing the missing functionality from:
> https://live.gnome.org/GnomeOS/Design/Whiteboards/Selections

Great thanks!

> On the GTK+ touch-selections branch [1] there is now:
>      * Improved text handle dragging behavior, including a bigger input
>        area, covering the line height, plus other smaller fixes.

Don't think I'm seeing this improvement, in Sugar at least, but you mentioned 
on IRC you were investigating this issue already.

>      * A popup widget for bubble-like context menus, with separated
>        show/grab semantics

Palette horizontally offset in some cases
- The selection context palette appears offset horizontally from the text 
selection in some cases (e.g. Sugar's Pippy activity python source code 
editor). The incorrect offset is usually towards the left, near or on the text 
selection start point. [1]

Palette horizontal positioning over multi-line text selections
- If the text selection partially wraps from the end of one line to the start 
of another, the context palette is still centred between the two handles, 
guaranteeing to put it over unselected text which looks odd, especially when 
the handles are manipulated [2]. Recommendation: I would suggest for the 
multi-line selection case that the context palette is always horizontally 
centred over the full width of the text view [3].

Screen top edge collision
- The palette, by default, is now positioned above the selection (great), but 
when the palette hits the top of the screen edge and is flipped to flow 
downward, it is attached to the top edge of the text selection, hiding the 
selected text [4]. Recommendation: It should attach to the bottom edge of the 
selection, if a multiline selection then it should be horizontally centred and 
at the bottom edge of the last selected row. [5]
- If the selection fills the visible view area (i.e. both start and end are off 
screen), the palette is currently drawn off screen at the top of the text 
selection.  Recommendation: The palette could be placed in the centre of the 
text view (this also applies when both start and end of selection are near 
enough the screen edges that there is no space there for the context palette). 

Auto timer popup delay
- The auto delay popup behaviour frequently leaves the selection start/end 
handles obscured preventing modification of the selection, the user has no 
control over when to expose the pop-up. Recommendation: Replace the auto delay 
pop-up with a single tap of a text selection to raise the context palette for 
- The popup always triggers after very short delay, distracting to the user 
when wanting to type, can obscure surrounding canvas content, and can prevent 
user dragging the insertion point to place cursor accurately. Recommendation: 
Replace the auto delay pop-up with a single tap of the insertion cursor to 
raise the context palette for pasting.

Canvas scrolling
- The context selection palette needs to auto hide when view is scrolled, and 
re-appear in new correct location when scrolling stops.

Sugar/theming specific items
- Bubble palette pointer triangle custom shape needs to match main palette 
background theme colour
- Needs to allow theming options to allow a grey 2px outline for palette 
contrast against different backgrounds, and match other Sugar palette theming 
- Sugar needs proper svg Cut icon (various proposals on ticket SL#4387) [8]
- Sugar needs an additional button item added to the context selection palette 
for the "Speak" feature (cut/copy/paste/speak)


[3] http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/File:Cut-copy-paste-speak-centre-behaviour.png
[8] http://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/4387

>      * An specific subclass for selection edition popups
>      * Support in entry/textview
> You don't need a touch device to see this working, the
> GTK_TEST_TOUCHSCREEN envvar can be used to get this working on all input
> devices
> Some thoughts/notes:
>      * Those 2 widgets have been made public, I can see other uses for
>        bubbles, and apps like nautilus/file-roller could want the
>        selection window too
>      * The text handles helper object is still private though, there
>        are little potential users, although funnily there's already a
>        patch around with a copy of this code for Abiword.
>      * Theming of the bubble shape is still quite poor, given the
>        bubble tail can be irregular on edge cases, I can hardly think
>        how to use CSS here, besides just taking the border color and
>        stroking by hand and giving up on the rest.
>      * As used by GtkEntry/TextView, there's no keyboard navigation nor
>        interaction at all with the selection bubble, although being
>        mostly designed as a touch interaction helper, it doesn't make
>        much sense either. There are separate grab/ungrab methods for
>        other usecases.
>      * For interaction behavior I've mostly followed the whiteboard
>        recipe, could be nice to get designers early in the loop now
>        that there's and implementation they can play on.
> Testing/Comments welcome,
>  Carlos
> [1] http://git.gnome.org/browse/gtk+/?h=touch-selections

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