Thanks, didn't know GTK+ used the odd/even versioning method, you people are all really helpful ! GTK+ 3.6.4 just finished compiling btw, creating the bundle right now.

Allin Cottrell writes:
On Wed, 6 Mar 2013, wrote:
3.6.4 is stable ? So the work I'm doing right now is going to be worth it ^^.

In "3.6.4", 3 is the major version number, 6 the minor version number and 4 the micro or patch-level. In GTK development, series with an even "minor" number (6 in this case) are stable while those with an odd minor number are work in progress. This applies to most components of the GTK stack. Occasionally, however, something gets badly broken in the latest "stable" version so it's probably a good idea to wait a little before updating a binary release and keep an eye open for bug reports.
Allin Cottrell
gtk-devel-list mailing list

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