On Tue, 2014-03-18 at 04:30 -0400, Jakub Filak wrote:
> Hello,
> I a member of the ABRT team. We have recently found an interesting page about
> GNOME Shell debugging[1]. According to that page, it is possible to obtain a
> stack trace of executed JavaScript code in gdb. So we got an idea to include
> the JavaScript stack trace in Bugzilla bugs filed by ABRT. I tried to obtain
> the JavaScript stack trace by attaching gdb to a core dump file but it didn't
> work because we can call a method only when gdb is connected to a process.
> But we got another idea. Would it be possible to write the JavaScript stack
> trace to a file (or journald) in a well known path upon receiving a UNIX
> signal? This already works for JVM, which creates the hs_err_pid.log file[2]
> when a JVM process is to die and ABRT includes the hs err log file in Bugzilla
> bugs.

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