
On 26 November 2014 at 14:05, Alexandre Bique <bique.alexan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 2:58 PM, Paul Davis <p...@linuxaudiosystems.com> 
> wrote:
>> this is all part of the many reasons why these toolkits are problematic.  Qt
>> has similar issues. The correct answer would depend on the host, which is
>> obviously not a desirable condition to have to understand.
> So I don't understand. Emmanuele, seems to says that I would be
> possible with GMainContext?

if you want to do:

  Thread 1: gtk_init() → GUI → gtk_main()
  Thread 2: gtk_init() → GUI → gtk_main()
  Thread N: gtk_init() → GUI → gtk_main()

then no: you cannot achieve that with GTK+, and there are no plans to
allow you to do that in the future either.

if you want to do:

  Thread 1: gtk_init() → GUI → gtk_main()
  Thread 2: long running operation → schedule UI update
  Thread N: long running operation → schedule UI update

then yes: you can do that with GTK+.

my point about GMainContext is that the main loop used by GTK+ is not
in any way "special": it's the default GMainContext, the same one that
is created implicitly when loading GLib. that does not mean that you
can operate on the GTK API from different GMainContext instances.


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