I'm creating a stackexchange community for the GNOME platform and the GTK+
toolkit.  I'm looking for help in subscribing to the forum and of course
some people who would be willing to answer questions.  We have three days
to build 5 followers and build about 5-10 questions that can be answered.
After that to get to the next phase, we will need 50 followers and 40 good
questionsI have some folks who are also willing to monitor and answer


WHY:  We need to have a search engine index-able library of knowledge on
our platform.  Modern programmers today frequently use stackexchange and
google to ask questions and to look for answers for questions.

Today, questions are answered in mailing lists and irc.  Neither one are
search engine friendly and common questions are often repeated and their
answers not shared.  Let's build a persistent body of knowledge that people
can easily find and lower the bar of entry in writing applications in GNOME
or GTK+.

gtk-devel-list mailing list

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