Anjali Grover <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> In order to get a bold label text, I loaded the
> desired font into GtkFont boldfont;
> Then I tried to get bold label text via:
>   label=gtk_label_new(text);
>   style = gtk_widget_get_style(label);
>   style->font = boldfont;
> The result was everything bold, inlcuding the text in
> all buttons on my window.
> Then, I made a copy of GdkStyle, so I tried:
>   label=gtk_label_new(text);
>   style = gtk_widget_get_style(label);
>   bstyle = *style;
>   bstyle.font = boldfont;
>   gtk_widget_set_style(label, &bstyle);
> The result was: nothing bold.

You want to use gtk_widget_modify_style() probably. 

In GTK 2 (1.3.15 is the most recent GTK 2 beta) you could use 
gtk_label_set_markup() or gtk_widget_modify_font() instead, which
would be a lot easier.


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