First thank you for your impatience. Yesterday I found out that I
didn't actually get the file "Makefile",
because the command "./configure" ran incorrectly. So I have downloaded
glib-2.0.3 and then install it successfully. 
But when I configure pango-1.01, it suggests me to install glib-2.0.0 or
above. The error information says that I should 
either set LD_LIBRARY_path enviroment variable or modify the file
"/etc/".  I just don't know what to do!
Please help me out !            
                Thank you very much!
                Your truely friend!
-----Original Message-----
From: Olaf Leidinger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, June 10, 2002 5:23 PM
To: 黃慶 Kason Huang
Cc: GTK Postliste
Subject: Re: (no subject)

Am Mon, 2002-06-10 um 05.25 schrieb 黃慶 Kason Huang:
             I have got the sources of gtk+-1.2, and then, After I used
    the shell script command "./configure",
    I have got the file "Makefile". But when I run command "make", I
    find that it doesn't run correctly!
    The command "make"  exits immediately after echoing a little few
    lines of information. Could you please
    hell me out? 
            Thank you very much!
            Your truely friend!

Well, what does your make say??? Could you send us these few lines,



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