busmanus wrote:


I downloaded and compiled pango-1.2.5, but it didn't help in itself,
althogh I haven't tried out every possibility with it yet. I still
have a suspicion that it's really Xft that I messed up things with.
I'd like to ask, what version of fontconfig and Xft is considered to
cooperate best with the gtk+ libraries.

Hello, Please read README file comes with pango-1.2.5 sources. It sounds about: Xft, version 2. Xrender (if it's not installed in your system). fontconfig freetype

I have:
- libfontconfig.so.1.0 (fontconfig-2.1);
- libfreetype.so.6.3.2 (freetype-2.1.3);
- libXrender.so.1.2 (XFree86-4.3.0);
- libXft.so.2.1 (XFree86-4.3.0).
installed on my box. Pango/GTK+-2.0 works well.


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