Thank you.

On Tue, Oct 9, 2018 at 8:46 AM Miroslav Rajcic <> wrote:
> Hi Igor,
> you actually need to fetch existing columns from the tree view one by one, 
> until you find a match, something like the code below.
> Regards,
>   Miroslav
> int current = 0;
> GtkTreeViewColumn *cur_column = gtk_tree_view_get_column (tree_view, current);
> while (cur_column != NULL) {
>    if (clicked_column == cur_column) {
>        break; //found it
>    }
>    current ++;
>  cur_column = gtk_tree_view_get_column (tree_view, current);
> }
> if (cur_column != NULL) {
>    // found the matching column, index stored in "current"
> }
> On 10/9/2018 3:00 AM, Igor Korot via gtk-list wrote:
> Hi, list,
> Does anybody know how do I get the information?
> Thank you.
> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
> From: Chris Moller <>
> Date: Mon, Oct 8, 2018 at 8:02 PM
> Subject: Re: How do I get the number
> To: Igor Korot <>
> To be honest, I'm not sure how GTK would do it.  Maybe the thing to do
> is write a bit of code and see what happens--I've never needed to to
> know the column number.
> On 08/10/2018 08:38, Igor Korot wrote:
> Hi, Chris,
> On Mon, Oct 8, 2018 at 7:28 PM Chris Moller <> wrote:
> /
> |
> |-----> disk1
>     |
>     |
>     |-------X-----------> folder1
>     |--------------------> folder2
> |-----> disk2
>     |
>     |--------------------> folder3
>     |--------------------> folder4
>     |--------------------> subdir
>                               |
>                               |--------------------> folder5
>                               |--------------------> folder6
> From that, folder1 would have an indices value of [0, 0], folder2
> would be inidices[0, 1], folder3 [1,0], folder4 [1,1]
> So folder1 will have row 0, column 0?
> But that's wrong, because folder1 is at row 2 column 2.
> By extension, folder5 would be indices[1,2,0] and folder6 [1, 2, 1]
> And folder5 should be at row 8 column 3.
> And what is the coordinate be for disk1?
> It should be row 1, column 1, right?
> So as you can see I'm trying to get a value of the column number.
> On top of that I will need to get a column 1 if I click where the "X" is
> on the diagram...
> Thank you.
> On 08/10/2018 18:25, Igor Korot wrote:
> Ok.
> Now let's get back.
> Do you know how I can get the column from the screenshot I sent?
> On Mon, Oct 8, 2018, 5:04 PM Chris Moller <> wrote:
> Sorry, I misunderstood you.
> Actually, my daughter speaks pretty good Russian--she was a
> competitive figure skater for a lot of years and both her principal
> coaches were Russian.   The preferred Russian over English so my
> daughter learned Russian.  Anyway, she translated the songs years ago
> just to practise.
> On 08/10/2018 17:15, Igor Korot wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 8, 2018 at 4:09 PM Chris Moller <> wrote:
> The ones by the Soviet Army?  No.  They're from a recording made in
> London in about 1959.  Once upon a time, back in the 60s, I had an LP
> version that had some translations printed on the liner, but that LP
> vanished decades ago.  Other than Tipperary, Annie Laurie, and Oh no,
> John!, they're in Russian.
> I understand.
> And that's why I offer to translate them to English if you are interested.
> Thank you.
> On 08/10/2018 16:13, Igor Korot wrote:
> Chris,
> On Mon, Oct 8, 2018 at 3:08 PM Chris Moller <> wrote:
> Here's a more complex tree, some of  of the files in my music
> collection.  (It's not exactly how GTK would show it, but close
> enough.)
> Do you want a translation for some those songs?
> ── misc
> │   ├── PiSymphony
> │   │   ├── Pi-and-e.ogg
> │   │   └── The-Circle.ogg
> │   └── SovietArmy
> │       ├── 01 - Song of Youth.mp3
> │       ├── 02 - A birch tree in a field did stand.mp3
> │       ├── 03 - Far Away.mp3
> │       ├── 04 - Song of the Volga Boatmen.mp3
> │       ├── 05 - You are always beautiful.mp3
> │       ├── 06 - Along Peter's Street.mp3
> │       ├── 07 - Tipperary (sung in English).mp3
> │       ├── 08 - Ah! Lovely Night.mp3
> │       ├── 09 - Kamarinskaya [instrumental].mp3
> │       ├── 10 - Annie Laurie (sung in English).mp3
> │       ├── 11 - Song of the Plains (Meadowland).mp3
> │       ├── 12 - Kalinka.mp3
> │       ├── 13 - Bandura (sung in Ukrainian).mp3
> │       ├── 14 - Oh no, John! (sung in English).mp3
> │       ├── 15 - Snowflakes.mp3
> │       ├── 16 - Ukrainian Poem.mp3
> │       └── 17 - Soldiers' Chorus (from The Decembrists).mp3
> └── synthesiser
>     ├── Carlos
>     │   ├── Aurora_Borealis.ogg
>     │   ├── Midnight_Sun.ogg
>     │   └── SonicSeasonings.ogg
>     ├── Hyman
>     │   ├── Evening_Thoughts.ogg
>     │   ├── Four_Duets_in_Odd_Meter.ogg
>     │   ├── Give_It_Up_or_Turn_It_Loose.ogg
>     │   ├── Improvisation_in_Fourths.ogg
>     │   ├── Kolumbo.ogg
>     │   ├── Tap_Dance_in_the_Memory_Banks.ogg
>     │   ├── The_Legend_of_Johnny_Pot.ogg
>     │   ├── The_Minotaur.ogg
>     │   ├── The_Moog_and_Me.ogg
>     │   ├── Time_Is_Tight.ogg
>     │   ├── Topless_Dancers_of_Corfu.ogg
>     │   └── Total_Bells_and_Tony.ogg
>     ├── Kitaro
>     │   ├── Silk_Road_II.ogg
>     │   └── Silk_Road_I.ogg
>     ├── Tomita
>     │   ├── Compilation
> On 08/10/2018 14:48, Igor Korot wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 8, 2018 at 12:11 PM Chris Moller <> wrote:
> Hi, Igor,
> The row-activated handler calls:
> void
> user_function (GtkTreeView       *tree_view,
>                GtkTreePath       *path,
>                GtkTreeViewColumn *column,
>                gpointer           user_data)
> {
> }
> so what you need is :
> gint *indices =  gtk_tree_path_get_indices (path);
> which will return an integer vector ow the row, column, sub-column,
> subsub-column... depending on the topgraphy of your tree.  (You can
> get the depth of the tree--thus the number of entries in the
> vector--with:
> gint len = gtk_tree_path_get_depth (path);
> )
> If it's a simple two-dimensional tree, the column number will be
> indices[1], but you  might want to make sure that the tree depth is at
> least two before doing that or you might be pointing past the end of
> the indices array.
> BTW, what do you mean by saying: "simple 2-dimensional tree"?
> Is there going to be n-dimensional tree? How it will be represented on
> the screen? Do you have a screenshot?
> Thank you.
> By the way, don't try to free the indices array--it points to a GTK
> internal structure.
> HTH,
> Chris
> On 08/10/2018 12:52, Igor Korot wrote:
> Hi, Chris,
> On Sun, Oct 7, 2018 at 3:34 PM Chris Moller <> wrote:
> Take a look at
> gint * gtk_tree_path_get_indices (GtkTreePath *path);
> with the  "GtkTreePath  *path"  parameter you get from the
> row-activated callback.
> I tried to do:
> int column = gtk_tree_path_get_indices( column );
> but got an error:
> Can't convert GtkTreeViewColumjn to GtkTreePath
> The "row-activated" callback is defined as:
> void user_function(GtkTreeView *tree_view, GtkTreePath *path,
> GtkTreeViewColumn *column, gpointer user_data);
> And so the types are unrelated.
> What am I doling wrong?
> Thank you.
> On 07/10/2018 20:04, Igor Korot via gtk-list wrote:
> Hi, ALL,
> For the GtkTreeView there is a "row-activated" signal:
> That function receives as a parameter
> column the GtkTreeViewColumn in which the activation occurred.
> The problem is (at least as I see it) is that it is not a simple integer
> for the column number.
> Is there a simple way to get a column number on which I activated
> the row from this signal?
> Thank you.
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