On Mon, Mar 11, 2019 at 7:54 AM Jerome Flesch <jfle...@kwain.net> wrote:

> Le 2019-03-10 12:01, Kasper Peeters a écrit :
> >> 1. GTK is not so cross-platform anymore: on Windows and macOS, you
> >> are supposed to build your own library binaries (gvsbuild for Windows
> >> and jhbuild for macOS exist, but are not foolproof).
> >
> > That's definitely not true; on Windows there's vcpkg and on macOS
> > there is Homebrew; both let you install reasonably up-to-date versions
> > of GTK3 with a single command line.
> For Windows, there is also Msys2 ( https://www.msys2.org/ ). It may be
> more handy for porting applications from Linux to Windows. This is what
> I intend to use to build the next versions of Paperwork (
> https://openpaper.work ) for Windows.
I've also had extreme difficulty in the past with deploying on Windows. Not
being a ( proficient ) C developer, and not having experience with building
on Windows didn't help. I've toyed with broadway ( including writing an
authentication layer, app launcher and transparent proxy ) for giving
Windows users a relatively painless way of accessing apps, though was
discouraged from this by statements of broadway being experimental and
probably not making it through the gtk-4 work. More recently this may have
changed ( there were a bunch of commits to broadway stuff for gtk-4 ),
though from a user perspective there are still some bits missing. I've
recently ( last year or so ) switched to deploying with Flatpak, and this
has worked astonishingly well. In particular, Alexander Larsson's work:
 - https://blogs.gnome.org/alexl/2018/09/17/flatpak-on-windows/
 - https://github.com/flatpak/flatpak/tree/wip/WSL
  ... has given us a very easy path for at least bringing up our apps on
Windows. You still need an X Server ( I use MobaXterm, though I assume we
could build and package an X server too? ). The only thing that hasn't
worked out-of-the-box for us has been maximising windows. This is a bit
nasty, but with some hacks to save + restore window geometry, it's not a
deal-breaker. Keep in mind we haven't done a production deployment yet (
luckily all clients recently have been fine with running Linux ), but I've
done a reasonable amount ( many hours ) of testing and only found this 1

I would suggest people who need windows binaries check out the Flatpak

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