
I created an elaborate application using GTK+ and C++.  I have been
using g++ to compile.  I passed the main() arguments argc, and argv[] to
my gApplication object via pointers.  Now, I am core dumping in the very
exit of the program.  Each C++ object is being "deleted" and some are
just going into their destructor methods just fine.  Anyhow, at the last
return 0; in main(), ddd is telling me that I can't find the bounds of
this function (which is main()).

Now that I have spent all of this time and effort without looking at
GTK--, can anyone explain to me why I am having a scope problem I
think?  The last object to be deleted is the gApplication object.  My
gCmdAssistant, gOptionHelper, gFileAssistant,etc. objects all destruct
just fine.  The problem I believe, is in the GTK Application scope
itself, and its relation to Main().

Any help would be appreciated.  Also, I can't seem to get a connection
to the GTK-- link on


David L. Whitehurst


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