> On May 29, 2020, at 7:53 AM, Pascal <p....@orange.fr> wrote:
>> Le 21 févr. 2020 à 09:15, Gabriele Greco <gabrielegr...@gmail.com> a écrit :
>> For the demo program you might see if you can set enough of the environment 
>> in Info.plis using 
>> https://developer.apple.com/documentation/bundleresources/information_property_list/lsenvironment
>>  to get it to run. For your actual program the easiest solution is to 
>> rewrite your launcher in python and put it in Resources, compile 
>> python-launcher.c and use the result as the main-binary.
>> I don't know how it works with python gtk+ apps, but with C/C++ apps it's 
>> quite easy to avoid using a launcher script, I have a setup_paths() function 
>> that I run before gtk_init(), that does a job similar to the launcher 
>> script, it has the advantage over the LSEnvorinment stuff to be able to bind 
>> the resources to the current app bundle path, I'm sharing it here if someone 
>> is interested:
>> void
>> setup_paths()
>> {
>>    char execpath[MAXPATHLEN+1];
>>    char path[MAXPATHLEN * 4], *c;
>>    uint32_t pathsz = sizeof (execpath);
>>    _NSGetExecutablePath (execpath, &pathsz);
>> // if we are not in a bundle let's use the system GTK enviroment...
>>    if (!strstr(execpath, ".app")) {
>>        ILOG << "Not in bundle, doing normal startup";
>>        return;
>>    }
>>    fprintf(stderr, "EXECPATH: %s\n", execpath);
>>    c = strrchr(execpath, '/');
>>    *c = 0;
>>    strcat(execpath, "/../Resources");
>>    chdir(execpath);
>>    getcwd(path, sizeof(path));
>>    fprintf(stderr, "CWD: %s\n", path);
>>    strcpy(path, execpath);
>>    strcat(path, "/lib/gtk-2.0");
>>    setenv ("GTK_PATH", path, 1);
>>    strcpy(path + strlen(execpath), 
>> "/lib/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders.cache");
>>    setenv ("GDK_PIXBUF_MODULE_FILE", path, 1);
>>    // pango prefix
>>    strcpy(path + strlen(execpath), "/etc");
>>    setenv("PANGO_SYSCONFDIR", path, 1);
>>    strcpy(path + strlen(execpath), "/lib");
>>    setenv("PANGO_LIBDIR", path, 1);
>>    ILOG << "OSX GTK resource setup completed";
>> //  strcpy(path + strlen(execpath), "/../Resources/share/themes");
>> //  setenv ("GTK_DATA_PREFIX", path, 1);
>> }
> Hello Gabry,
> Sorry for the delay, I've just taken the opportunity of some days off to go 
> on.
> Thanks for your code sample, it helps, now it is ok for me with Catalina 
> GateKeeper / Sandboxing.
> The launch script was preventing GateKeeper to work correctly.
> My steps are:
> - add the needed setenv in  setup_paths and call it before gtk_init in main.c
> - run gtk-mac-bundler with my_app.bundle
> - suffix the script shell with ".sh" in my_app.app/Contents/MacOS
> - suppress the "-bin" at the end of the executable in 
> my_app.app/Contents/MacOS
> - open my_app
> Then, clic OK in the GateKeeper popup for the access to your Document folder.
> You will have now access to your files :-)
> I'm happy that it haven't required more code to add or change.

If you remove or comment out the launcher-script element in your bundle file 
bundler won't copy in the script and will rename the binary to the bundle name 
without the -bin suffix. Having moved the environment setup to main.c you don't 
need the launcher script any more.

John Ralls

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