Hi guys,

I found a crash on big sur of my application, that uses gtk-osx through the
official build scripts and digging in the net I found the very exact
problem in both gimp and inkscape (that are maybe the two biggest gtk 2
programs out there).

The problem itself is in cairo:


... reading the comments I saw that it has been fixed 1 month ago in the
macOS build system of GIMP (that I suppose it's not gtk-osx-build)

because looking at


... that is if I remember correctly the repository where the build system
read the modulesets from I do not see the patch, I see only a refcount
patch of 5 months ago on cairo:


It seems that the patch the mono guys did, and that was incorporated in
cairo upstream (and the gimp build system, since there is no new cairo
version with the patch) is totally different:


I think there is a fork in gitlab with the correct version that is:


... should I switch building from there or do you plan to upstream those
patches soon?

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