Hi all;

Outside of the CVE route, GNOME uses the distributors-list mailing list for
communication between GNOME modules and "downstream" distribution teams.
It's good to use that list for notifying of changes or releases that have
particular impact on distributions.


On Wednesday, 18 February 2015, intrigeri <intrig...@debian.org> wrote:

> Hi Tosten,
> Torsten Schoenfeld wrote (28 Jan 2015 19:31:55 GMT) :
> > On 28.01.2015 17:51, intrigeri wrote:
> >> Thanks. I've not seen a CVE request on oss-security (could have missed
> >> it, though). Will it be allocated in another way, e.g. from the Red
> >> Hat pool? A CVE would help distros a lot.
> > No, we haven't done any kind of official security-related announcement.
> > Do you really need such an "official" and elaborate effort for this
> > kind of bug fix?
> *I* don't need this since I read this list :)
> But for other operating systems, yes, a CVE is needed. In the case at
> hand, 3 weeks after the bug was fixed:
>   * Fedora 20 and 21 have patched it
>   * Debian still hasn't patched it (my fault)
>   * Ubuntu hasn't patched it
>   * OpenSUSE hasn't patched it
> => I guess that some major distros have nobody subscribed to
> gtk-perl-list@ (no big surprise, considering the amount of Perl
> modules they're packaging), and thus haven't heard of this potential
> security issue yet. That's one very good reason to issue a CVE in
> my opinion.
> > These kinds of fixes are done all over the place all the time
> > without special announcements.
> IMO that's a problem that all OS security teams everywhere are
> struggling against. A good explanation of why a CVE is needed was
> provided a few weeks ago by Kurt Seifried (Red Hat product security):
>   http://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2015/01/29/20
> Cheers,
> --
> intrigeri
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