Hello list,

in the last weeks i tried out different options to create a GUI under
Linux. Gtk.Builder should be the newest option, but sadly with a lack of
documentation with using in C#. The easiest way for me is now using
stetic in MonoDevelop. After changing now the GUI to stetic it runs

The problem with my App.config and empty Properties are gone now. I had
placed the App.config not in my main-projects directory but in my Engine
project where the logic lives. After putting that into the main project
the config file items will be connected to the properties correctly. So
i would like to thank all helpers, specially Baltasar :-)

The only Properties who actually not be filled are that 4 one from the
GUI. My code for assigning the widgets content looks like:

protected void OnBtnRunCreationClicked (object sender, EventArgs e)
    cboEnvironment.Active = Math.Max(cboEnvironment.Active, 0);
    Environment = cboEnvironment.ActiveText;
    cboDocType.Active = Math.Max(cboDocType.Active, 0);
    DocType = cboDocType.ActiveText;
    PublicationTitle = entryTitle.Text;
    Language = entryLanguage.Text;

Maybe anyone has an idea to fix it?


Sascha Manns
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