Lars Luthman wrote:

On Thu, 2005-06-16 at 07:22 -0500, Bob Caryl wrote:
I had originally intended to write my help display routine as part of a dynamic library intended for use by my applications. If I use a global function in this setting it would be entirely possible that multiple applications and/or threads in the same application could try to call such a global function simultaneously (or nearly simultaneously), thereby giving indeterminate results.

Why would a global function be less thread safe than a member function?
As long as you're not using any global or static function variables
(which you also could do in a member function) I don't see how there is
a difference.

I'm an old windows programmer (and therefore relatively new to linux GUI programming), and so I'm assuming that dynamically loaded libraries work the same way under linux as they do under windows:

If an application (or thread within an application) instantiates an object, it gets its own exclusive copy of that object (complete with all the data used by such an object). If, on the other hand, an application (or thread), uses a global function and/or global data from within a dynamically loaded library that is subject to such use by other applications and/or threads, it is possible that simultaneous accesses could happen. In the case of my callback, two applications could be trying to load data into the SAME GtkHTML widget at the same time and thereby would be sharing ONE GtkHTMLStream handle.

If my understanding of how dynamically loaded libraries work under linux, please disabuse me of my notions.

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