Den 2017-05-23 kl. 10:44, skrev Daniel Boles:
This seems too simple to be an option, but I have to ask :) What about ResponseTypeClass or similar? It seems like the most specific thing (without getting ridiculous like ResponseTypeDummyScopingClass, heh)

Having said that, my reflex is still to prefer class ResponseType { enum EnumOrAnonymous {...} } - which I know was discussed:
but I don't really see why it was rejected in favour of the current proposal involving the typedef.

Kjell said:

    [The things I want are] perhaps possible to achieve if ResponseType is the 
name of the class,
    but it won't be a minimal wrapper class.

Why not? Surely it can stlll be final/uninstantiable/etc? All that changes is the names of the class and its contained enum, and the fact that you would not need to generate a using declaration for the latter. Things like ResponseType::NONE are still possible and work anywhere that an int or enumerator would be expected.

I don't understand how you can have, for instance
  void f(ResponseType r);
if ResponseType is an uninstantiable class. If ResponseType is the name of a class, and you want to treat it as if it were the name an enum, wouldn't it require something like

  class ResponseType final
    enum Enum
      NONE = -1,
      REJECT = -2,
      ACCEPT = -3,
    ResponseType() = default;
    ResponseType(Enum value) : m_value(value) {}
    operator int() { return m_value; }
    Enum m_value = Enum();

Do I require too much of these enums? I try to make something that can be used like an enum class, except for one thing: It shall be implicitly convertible to int. I suspect that this gtkmm-list thread has become longer than necessary because our requirements have been very vague.

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