I have a Gtk::Label in my application that I use to display notifications.
Each time the text is set I would like to 'blink' it. I find CSS animations
to be the perfect solution for this  since my application deals with
multiple themes with dark mode. I am able to blink the label with the
following CSS code.
  animation-name: blinkEntry;
  animation-duration: 0.25s;
  animation-iteration-count: 1;
  animation-fill-mode: none;

@keyframe blinkEntry
  0%{ background-color: white;}
  100%{background-color: @app-bg-color;}
Now what I am not able to figure out is how to trigger this on an event. In
the handler that sets the text of the label, I add following line.
But as I guessed the label would blink only the first time. I also tried
removing the class before adding again but since it was just one line above
it didn't work. The Gtk::StyleContext::Invalidate was my next best hope but
its already deprecated.

What I saw in some javascript examples is that the animation style class is
removed first and then added back using a timer that is set to trigger
something like 100 milliseconds later.

Would appreciate any guidance.



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