Like Daniel mentioned, the background-image property overrides the
background-color. It's probably because of this, the API to override the
background color is deprecated.

Writing a simple custom CSS would solve your problem eternally. Also once
you get to know it, it's not that difficult.

Now technically you can create a CSSProvider and load a custom CSS directly
from a file (which is better since you can modify it without having to
rebuild your executable) then add the provider to the style context of a
particular widget. I would prefer to have it apply to the whole app because
then all your widgets will have uniform appearance.

May be you have already found a permanent solution. This is what I would
do, in case someone is still interested.

*mian.c / root window*

void CMainWindow::LoadTheme(const Glib::ustring &sPath)
   * Unit Name  :
   * Unit ID    : U-MainWindow.cpp-
   * Author     : mohith (25-Feb-2020, 3:20:06 pm)
   * Comments (if any)
    Glib::RefPtr <Gdk::Screen> refScreen = Gdk::Display::get_default()
    Glib::RefPtr <Gtk::CssProvider> refProvider =

    //Remove existing provider
    if (m_refCurrentCustomStyleProvider)



      //Add new provider for screen


      m_refCurrentCustomStyleProvider = refProvider;
    } catch(Gtk::CssProviderError &e)
      IDU_CMN_ERROR_OUT << "Error loading custom styles. " << e.what() <<
    } catch(Glib::Error &e)
      IDU_CMN_ERROR_OUT << "Error loading custom styles. " << e.what() <<


  background-image: unset;
  background-color: @activatable-control-color-sensitive;

  background-color: @activatable-control-color-highlight;

  background-color: @activatable-control-color-insensitive;

@define-color activatable-control-color-sensitive white;
@define-color activatable-control-color-highlight #FF9900;
@define-color activatable-control-color-insensitive gray;

Call the *CMainWindow::LoadTheme()* with the path to your CSS file to load
it up.



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