Henry, I hate the scratches as well.  So what I have done since my first
bike is to have a soft key tag and only the bike key on that ring. 
Problem solved.

But then you may say, what if I lose the key.  I always have a spare
hidden on it somewhere.  Just don't tell anyone.

I really can't understand those people who think they have to have all
of their keys on one ring and then expect not to scratch stuff.

My .02


Henry wrote:
> I need some advice.  I'd like to protect the handle crown (that chuck of
> cast aluminum around the ignition switch that holds the handlebars) from
> getting anymore scratched up by my key chain, than it already is, while
> having it look neat.  I tried duct tape and quite frankly that ain't so hot.
> I'd like to keep the price on the lower side rather than the higher side
> (say under $25).
> What do you all recommend?
> Regards,
> Henry S. Winokur
> 94 GTS1000, AMA, MRF, MD/MSF Certified Instructor
> West Bethesda, MD

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