--- Roberto Alonso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I thought my numb fingers were due to my intrinsic
> wimpyness! Now that I've
> learned it's not that uncommon, I'd like to know if
> Heli bars really do make
> a difference regarding this. So for you guys that
> have them, are they really
> worth it? Is their finish good enough to look OEM?
> how about sports riding
> in the twisties with them? I'd like to hear from
> other users since I'll have
> to order from overseas.

They make a difference, finish is good (not much
shows, anyway), and I steer better with them.
> Also, I'm considering switching to a 120 front.
> Which profile should I get?
> I guess it should be a 120/70, right? what about
> speedometer readings with
> this tire? I run Macadams right now, any
> recommendations for a better tire?
> mileage is very important, more so than extreme
> performance.

120/70 is turning up as a recommendation on many tire
pages and the 130/60 is starting to get rare.  I liked
the Macadams, my Avon Azaros turn better but the
Macadams do everything else better.

> Talking my "Pillion Commander" into some touring for
> the summer. Won't budge
> to the Cliquot yet...
> Roberto Alonso
> Zero Zero fotografía y diseño

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