
As most of you veterans can tell, I've been quite busy, so my time on line
has greatly diminished (that's good for those who usually get a ration of
smart ass remarks from me ;)  )

I met with Stan & Jon on a recent trip...where we rode into Parry Sound on
the "normal" sport bike rally weekend.  Thomas O'brian rode up the same day
and we all discovered simultaneously that the rally was shifted to the 2nd
weekend of July (a first...since even the Parry Sound Information booth
welcomed the bikers on July 1st!)

Rain showers (and partially slim tires) kept me from meeting with Thomas,
but dinner with Stan & Jon was "eventful" and fun!.

But to keep this short, I did hit the rally the following weekend. (have
pictures to prove it!) Met one new GTS owner...gave him the crash course on
GTS upgrades in about 5 minutes (I must have seemed like I was a GTS
drone.....blah blah blah...) He's interested in the GTS list and in ordering
an MRA.

When you see him sign up, please extend your global welcomes

Keep in touch

Shawn Pearsall

-----Original Message-----
From: Dennis Gingerich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2000 7:38 PM
Subject: windshield

Hi Shawn

How are you doing.

It's Dennis. We met at the sports bike rally. Hey I'm still keen to get one
of those nifty windshields like yours. Let me know how I can get one when
you get a chance would you. I would really appreciate it.


Dennis Gingerich

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