Ooooops, Charlie, I needed to put in a series of: 

:) :) :) :) :) etc.

Guess I came across as the list HardAss instead of the list SmartAss.
Yes, we can discuss modifications.  But......I'm still the one who likes
the characteristics of the GTS as is.

A Deal's Gap is a road in the mountains of Tenessee, with lots of twisties
and way too many squids.

On Wed, 20 Sep 2000, Charlie Dornsife wrote:

> Phil,
> Very well put, and I agree with you on all points but one. I didn't say I
> couldn't pass, I simply said that I would like some more power when passing
> at high altitude, for example; when passing several cars at one time (and
> yes I downshift and run it all the way up because its a dog below 5000
> rpm's). As far as upgrades go and this list, isn't this -in part- what this
> list is for??? To share information and idea's?  If there is no easy upgrade
> path then just say so, I was just ask'n. Geez~
> And while I'm here, what is a "Deal's Gap?"
> Charlie D
> 94GTS1K-A
> ----- Original Message -----
> To: Multiple recipients of list
> Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2000 12:03 PM
> Subject: RE: GTS to FZR stuff
> On Wed, 20 Sep 2000, Hawkins, Kevin wrote:
> > I know that I felt significant losses in the low RPMs on Mt. Evans at
> 14,000
> > feet. Phil Benson, what about you?
> OK, OK, here I go again.  First--Mt Evans.  No need for more power at that
> altitude.  The road has about a thousand feet of runoff, 'cept it's
> vertical.  Nope, nosiree, not gonna get silly with the throttle, it was
> just fine thank you very much.
> As one who tours Colorado at every opportunity, I've gone to the 12,000
> foot range a lot.  I find that the GTS is not as quick, but unable to pass
> cars??  Sluggish to the point of being dangerous??  Get real.  Two up and
> fully loaded, I can still pass anyone who needs passing.  A downshift is
> not the end of the world, by the way.
> This is one of the perpetual GTS list topics.  How to get more power from
> the GTS, usually focused on the use of FZR parts.  Every time we get some
> new folks on the list it comes up.  Every time it does, I have the same
> solution.  Leave the thing the way Yamaha built it.  It's not the fastest
> sport bike on the planet, but then's not a sport bike.  It's a
> sport tourer.  A damn good sport tourer.
> If you want the quickest bike in the twisties, consider a 600cc sport
> bike.  If ya gotta have the top end to go with it, get a 'Busa.
> By the way, you can get the same BHP from the GTS as the 'Busa.  All ya
> gotta do is rev the GTS to 18,500 rpm.  I know it's true, I did the math.
> On a serious note, I'll stake my claim again, same as every time this
> topic comes up.  Accept the GTS as a sport tourer, and all the "problems"
> go away.  Except parts availability.
> Phil

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