On 4 May 2010 18:17, Dave Neary <dne...@gnome.org> wrote:
> Hi Sense,
> I believe that you are the person that I should talk to to get a web
> page up on the site for the training course I'm organising.
> I have the content for the page, but it will need to be laid out, and I
> am working with a graphic designer to create a promotional pamphlet to
> go with the course too.
> What information do you need from me? Is there a way I can create a page
> and submit it to you for moderation, or should I just submit the page
> text & sections, and let you do the lay-out? What is the best way to
> proceed?
> Cheers,
> Dave.

We don't have a page-submission-and-review system, unfortunately, so I
think it would be best if you'd send me the content for the website. I
would prefer you to write the promotional text, although there is a
guy who offered his help as a content creator for the website -- you
could ask for his help.

What I want from you is: what you want on the website and the
information that's needed to put that on the website. We could then
discuss -- on this list or on IRC -- how we're going to present the
information. What I would suggest is to give your sessions the same
treatment as we gave the pre-conference: lets put the information on
the conference's overview page. We could then link to it from other
locations using anchors if necessary.

The overview page in its current from can be found at
<http://guadec.org/index.php/guadec/2010/schedConf/overview>. As you
can see we've called your slot 'Training'. A more descriptive name
would be better, do you have any suggestions?

Sense Hofstede
[ˈsɛn.sə ˈɦɔf.steː.də]
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