On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 09:37:12AM +0200, Olav Vitters wrote:
> On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 11:38:45PM -0300, Vinicius Depizzol wrote:
> > http://img534.imageshack.us/img534/1365/linuxmagazine.png
> july should be July (capital). ATM according to date we're in CEST, not
> CET. I guess UTC would be much easier.

I'm all for UTC normally, but in this case we're definately in CEST and
we can't randomly change dates we already communicated earlier. The July
thing is of course true and if possible should be changed.

> GUADEC != GNU Hackers's Meeting

Where does the ad state that it is?? The GHM is co-located with GUADEC and
should indeed be mentioned in the ad imho.

> Side events+ <-- why a +?
> Community building++ <-- why a ++? what is meant with this? we build a
> community at GUADEC?!?

Of course, community is a big part of GUADEC, not?

> Now the text: "GUADEC is the largest get together of GNOME users,
> developers, foundation leaders, individuals, governments and businesses
> in the word"
> This is not true.
> Maybe: "GUADEC is the largest get together of GNOME users,
> developers together with foundation leaders, individuals, governments and
> businesses in the word"
> But I do not understand why GNOME users is separate from individuals.
> Also do not understand 'foundation leaders'. Who are they? The board or
> something? That is just convenience.

I don't think these comments are too relevant, and a warrant more discussion
thatn we currently have time for..

Anyway, it is all academic if Vinicius doesn't respond before 16:00 CET today..



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