Hi Gaël,

Op maandag 31-05-2010 om 01:24 uur [tijdzone +0200], schreef Gaël

> My name is Gaël and I will be helping to organise the merchansiding
> for GUADEC. Since I've never organised it before, I would ask you guys
> to contribute to the thread with your ideas and experiences from
> previous years.

Unfortunately I know nothing about how it was done in previous years,
but I will take responsibility for the conference T-shirts this year.
Please subscribe to the guadec-planning mailing list as well, if you
haven't done so already.

> There is a couple of things that need to be identified: gadgets,
> quantities and logos/design. Once we know what we want and how many, I
> will contact the providers. Local providers are first choice, although
> if you have good past experience and shipment is not a problem we
> could do it that way.

I'm in the process of retrieving sponsor logos and the graphic design
for the conference shirts. Also, I have requested quotations for printed
T-shirts from a couple of local providers.

As for the other materials, I'd suggest taking plain reusable GNOME logo
gadgets. Baseball caps, for instance, are for sale at zazzle.com.

> Gadgets
> ======
> After discussing a bit with Koen, there are typical things that people
> are always happy to take back home like t-shirts, posters, stickers,
> pins, neck lanyards, cups, etc. Koen also mentioned that cuddle-toys
> (is that the right jargon?) could be a nice souvenir. More ideas and
> suggestions?

Last year at FOSDEM there were lots of nice small round GNOME stickers
that you can put on your laptop. I don't know where they came from.

> I assume that the logos and design will be a combination of GNOME and
> GUADEC logos, right? I see people willing to have also a souvenir from
> the GUADEC 2010 conference. Does anyone know where can I find GNOME
> logos ready to use? For the GUADEC logos, who can I contact to get
> some high-quality pictures?


Oh, and thanks for jumping in!


Reinout van Schouwen

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