On Mon, May 18, 2015 at 22:43:00 +0100, Michael Rogers wrote:
> Yup, I had a similar thought about adding a "no more results" method to
> the interface. It's something I missed in the Bluetooth LE API when
> playing with it recently.

In the last few days I went with this implementation, works just fine.
Using it in the example app.

Also got rid of the hacky method that returned a list, as you suggested.

> Maybe that points towards making both methods asynchronous - unless
> /proc/net/arp is guaranteed not to block.

I actually seem to fail at googling this. My best guess is that, since
it's only a pseudo-filesystem to provide access to kernel data
structures, it shouldn't block.

> There are many situations where I'd suggest using final, but that's the
> only one that's relevant to this particular piece of code.

This is perhaps a bit offtopic, but is there a document explaining this
in detail anywhere?

Daniel Martí - mv...@mvdan.cc - http://mvdan.cc/
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