I have written a chapter for _The Busy Coder's Guide to Android
Development_ on the use of NetCipher. Along the way, I wrote integration
code to tie NetCipher into:

- OkHttp3 (including using it with Retrofit)
- HttpURLConnection
- Apache's independent packaging of HttpClient
- Volley

Here is the draft chapter, in PDF form:


One section is missing towards the end (you'll see a "TBD" there), but
it is otherwise complete. Forgive the sidebars, but since this is a new
chapter, it gets those on the first book update containing the chapter.

Here is a ZIP file containing the sample project and HTTP integration


When I ship the book update containing this chapter in the second half
of March, I'll release a copy of this chapter under a Creative Commons
license. Also, the HTTP integration code is all Apache License 2.0; you
are welcome to any of that if you want it.

I welcome any feedback on the prose or the code!

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
https://commonsware.com | https://github.com/commonsguy
https://commonsware.com/blog | https://twitter.com/commonsguy
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