Hans, myself and hopefully a few others will be online starting at 900
UTC (in about 2 hours) talking about various topics for a few hours. We
will be on irc and matrix/riot love to chat as we stream. Hope to see
you there!

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From: devsqnet

a global online workshop for
free (libre!), open-source mobile software
Friday, April 28th, 2017 - 9:00 to 14:00 UTC

Live video: JitsiMeet
Live video: Rhinobird.tv
Live chat: #DevSq on IRC Freenode
 or Chat on Matrix
 or Telegram
Newsletter: Subscribe and View Archive

The Developer Square community along with members of
F-Droid, Guardian Project, OpenArchive, Clean Insights,
and Debian Linux, will join together to talk about recent
developments in open-source mobile app development, design and
9:00 UTC: Build Your Own App Store: Android Media Distribution for

Most people get their Android apps from Google Play. It is usually the
simplest and most secure option for them. But there are also many people
who do not have access to Google Play. This might be due to lack of a
proper internet connection or simply because Google Play is blocked
their country. The F-Droid project already offers tools to create
independent app distribution channels for Android apps. These tools are
ready for production, but require expert knowledge and the command-line
be used. Now, we want to build upon this foundation and develop curation
tools that can also be used by people with little technical knowledge,
making the app distribution technology more broadly available.

10:00 UTC: F-Droid: A New User Experience SIX YEARS IN THE MAKING!

F-Droid has been a part of the Android ecosystem for over 6 years now.
Since then, over 2000 apps have been built for the main repository, many
great features have been added, the client has been translated into over
different languages, and much more. 6 years in the making!

11:00 UTC: Clean Insights: a safe, sustainable, and secure way to handle
data without compromising user privacy

There’s no doubt about it: when you navigate to a webpage or open an app
your phone, it’s a magical, seamless experience. Remember those times
logged into Facebook and saw ads perfectly tailored to those gadgets
just considered buying on Amazon? Or that time you opened your Uber app
a Saturday morning and it gave you a miraculous suggestion to travel to
your favorite coffee shop? Perhaps unbeknownst to you, you at some time
provided enough packets of data to these corporations to make such
scenarios possible. Data fuel insights, which in turn fuel a beautiful
customer experience.

But like most fuel, data generate harmful byproducts (think the car
emissions of the 21st century), and irresponsible data collection
basic privacy rights, and in extreme cases, physical human lives. To
highlight some recent news stories, 500 million people just lost control
their personal data in a major Yahoo breach, while another 11 million
people learned that their Vizio smart TVs were spying on them. It might
difficult to put a clear price tag on privacy these days, but it’s
certainly not free, and the worst is yet to come.

Learn more about our approach to addressing these issues on mobile,
Clean Insights, a safe, sustainable, and secure way to handle data
compromising user privacy.
12:00 UTC: IoT Security through Onion Routing

The privacy software Tor has aided everything from drug dealing
marketplaces to whistleblowing websites in evading surveillance on the
darknet. Now that same software can be applied to a far more personal
of security: keeping hackers out of your toaster. Guardian Project, a
partner of the Tor Project that maintains and develops the Tor anonymity
network, announced a new technique it’s developed to apply Tor’s layers
encryption and network stealth to protecting so-called “Internet of
or “smart home” devices. That growing class of gadgets, ranging from
refrigerators to lightbulbs to security cameras, are connected to the
Internet to make possible new forms of remote management and automation.
They also, as the security research community has repeatedly
enable a new breed of over-the-Internet attacks, such as the rash of
hackers harassing infants via baby monitors or the potential for hackers
steal your Gmail password from your fridge.

Learn more about how Guardian Project turned a simple Raspberry Pi
mini-computer into a smart hub running the open-source software called
HomeAssistant software and acts as a so-called Tor hidden service, the
application of Tor that obscures the location of servers running dark

| https://talk.developersquare.net/t/secure-car-sensor-analytics/310
13:00 UTC: "Wind" Nearby Sharing with OpenArchive for Android

OpenArchive is a free, open-source mobile application, currently for
Android, dedicated to maintaining the privacy, provenance, and
of your media. It enables you to add metadata and Creative Commons
licensing to your audiovisual media and then send it to the Internet
Archive. It also enables you to share media with anyone nearby using the
LibNearbyShare open-source library based on the "Wind" concept.
LibNearbyShare is meant to simplify the discovery of other
enabled Android devices nearby, and sharing data with them. It attemps
unify all possible nearby network technologies under a simple, clean
interface that any developer can implement without too much trouble or
overhead. This library does not require any Internet connection, cloud
service, or other centralized method for discovering peers. We don't use
GPS, cell towers, or other infrastructure. All detection is done purely
using the signals being broadcast by devices themselves.

 | https://talk.developersquare.net/t/libnearbyshare-offline-media-
DevSq GLOW2017

A global online workshop for free, libre mobile software
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