On Mon, Jun 19, 2017, at 06:05, Michael Pöhn wrote:
> Is there any way NetCipher can help me with establishing TLSv1.2
> connections on old android devices? The docs state: »that you can use
> this library without using Orbot/Tor«, but I couldn't find any further
> documentation on this. I've been investigating the libraries source for
> a bit, but could not find an obvious way to use
> StrongOkHttpClientBuilder without configuring a Tor-proxy. Any hints
> would be very appreciated.

The Strong... classes definitely are focused on setting up connections
through Orbot (assuming that they have not changed much since I wrote
them originally).

> Plain OkHttp attempts to use TLSv1 and fails if the
web-server does not support outdated protocols. 

AFAIK, with OkHttp3, you have complete control over exactly which TLS
versions and cipher suites you wish to support:


What ConnectionSpec configuration are you using? And, if it's not
private, what URL are you trying to reach?

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
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