Jonas Smedegaard:
> Quoting Hans-Christoph Steiner (2020-04-06 12:11:05)
>> With everyone needing video conferencing these days, there has been an
>> explosion of public Jitsi Meet instances, which is great to see.  In
>> order to help people choose which one works for them, I have set up
>> "jitsi-monitor", it runs once a day on all known public Jitsi Meet
>> instances and gathers some basic data on them:
>> * configuration including STUN servers, analytics, etc.
>> * TLS settings and connection timing
>> * TCP traceroute
>> * what else?
> Would be helpful so see which versions of each component are served: 

Thanks for the tip!  It seems that the "base" thing is not usually set,
but there is a similar version number in other places in the index.html,
so I added that:

Once the job finishes, there should be a new "versions" section in the
report.json and HTML:


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