
Check this:

    scheme@(guile-user)> ,x (lambda () (call-with-values (lambda () (values 2 
3)) *))
    Disassembly of #<program #(0 32 #f) (0)>:

    nargs = 0  nrest = 0  nlocs = 0  nexts = 0


       0    (late-variable-ref 0)
       2    (object-ref 1)                  ;; #<program #(0 43 #f) (0)>
       4    (mv-call 0 0 2)                 ;; MV -> 10

This new instruction, mv-call, takes three byte arguments, and at least
two stack arguments. The byte arguments are the number of args, and two
bytes to specify an offset to the multiple values return address. The
stack arguments are two procedures, a producer of values, and a consumer
of values. Here we see that the producer takes no values, and multiple
values should return to the address 10 instead of the next address, 8.

       8    (goto/args 1)

Here we arrived with just one value, so tail-call (goto/args used to be
called `tail-call') the procedure on the stack (pushed at instruction 0,
that is, *) with one arg, also on the stack.

      10    (goto/nargs)

Or in this case there were a number of args pushed by the producer,
which then pushed the number of args on top of that. So pop off the
number of args, and tail-call `*' with that many args.


       0    *
       1    #<program #(0 43 #f) (0)>


       4    #(0 32 #f)

    Disassembly of #<program #(0 43 #f) (0)>:

    nargs = 0  nrest = 0  nlocs = 0  nexts = 0


       0    (make-int8 2)                   ;; 2
       2    (make-int8 3)                   ;; 3
       4    (return/values 2)

Here is the multiple-value return instruction.


       6    #(0 43 #f)

Guile (with the VM) now supports multiple values, without consing at

There are some important optimizations to be made though, especially
when the second expression is a lambda. Soon, soon!


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