On Tue 09 Jun 2009 20:47, Mark H Weaver <m...@netris.org> writes:

> On Tue, Jun 09, 2009 at 09:27:37AM +0200, Andy Wingo wrote:
>> It's a strange thing, and I don't see it on my x86-32 laptop running
>> Fedora. But I've heard reports of this. A backtrace at the time of stack
>> overflow would be helpful.
> Strangely, the stack overflow doesn't happen when I run the compile
> command (as echoed by make) directly from the command line.  I only
> see it happen when compiling via make.

Hm, that is indeed odd. Also odd is that here, I only get errors
building this if I set my ulimit below 128 *kilo*bytes.

gcc (GCC) 4.4.0 20090506 (Red Hat 4.4.0-4)

> To generate the backtrace, I added the following lines near the top of
> guile-tools.  Is there a better way?
>   (debug-enable 'debug)
>   (debug-enable 'backtrace)
>   (debug-set! depth 100)
>   (write (debug-options-interface))
>   (newline)

No, this is the best way we have currently. As I understand it, the
debugging evaluator is slower than the normal one -- but at this point,
who cares? With the VM we are already faster and we keep backtraces. We
should have backtraces on, always.

Does anyone have objections to that? If not, I'll make that change
within the week.

> GUILE_AUTO_COMPILE=0 ../meta/uninstalled-env guile-tools compile -o 
> "language/ecmascript/spec.go" "language/ecmascript/spec.scm"
> (show-file-name #t stack 40000 debug backtrace depth 100 maxdepth 1000 frames 
> 3 indent 10 width 79 procnames cheap)
> Backtrace:
> In ice-9/psyntax-pp.scm:
>   20: 271  [chi-let1039 (# # #) (# # # # ...) (()) ...]
> In ice-9/psyntax-pp.scm:
>    5: 272  [# core-form # # ...]
> In unknown file:
>    ?: 273* [map #<program 4060aa30 at ice-9/psyntax-pp.scm:4:2061
> (x415)> ((# . #))]

Hmmmmmmm. I'll poke some options. Thanks for the BT.


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