Hey Guilers,

I didn't push anything specific regarding a freeze, but in practice
since we're so few, we've been great at just putting in release-worthy
fixes :)

I would say that we are definitely on track for a 1.9 on the 19th. I
have a list of things to add to the NEWS, which I'm appending to this
mail just to give some scope -- the list only goes back to September of
last year, when it really needs to go back to May or so when I started
work on the VM, but it's close to complete WRT what I need to add.

Please add on any missing points. Note that the 1.9 release notes will
become the 2.0 release notes, I think; over the next few months we will
be editing them, adding and removing things, so that readers for the 2.0
release will understand what it is we've been up to over the last few

One question is that I've been calling this thing 1.9.1 under the
assumption that we made a 1.9.0; but that does not seem to be the case.
Should this one be 1.9.0 or 1.9.1?

OK, enough rambling. I have a plane flight tomorrow in which to write
proper NEWS entries, after which hopefully all will be set for a release
on Friday.



raw NEWS notes:

stack limits -- rlimit and default limit

fix false-if-exception

automatic compilation -- note mtime implications

GUILE_LOAD_COMPILED_PATH, %load-compiled-path, %load-compiled-extensions

the ~/.guile-ccache dir

libdir installs for compiled code

scm_primitive_load_path additional arg: exception_on_error

scm_stat exception_on_error optional arg

ccachedir to build-info ?

#', #`, #,, #,@ -- and note the difference


tail calls and stack narrowing

source location tracking in psyntax

macros before uses of macros

no more currying

modules do have names -- even gensymmed named

different syntax exception strings (and sometimes keys?)

values truncates

values in the some cases requires 1 value

interactions between hygienic macros and defmacros

first-class macro values

psyntax propagates original variable names -- into compiled code only,

the extended macro types -- make-syncase-macro,
make-extended-syncase-macro, macro-type, syncase-macro-type,

removed sc-expand3

remove (void)

(ice-9 syncase) deprecated -- and along with that, andmap, void, ...

syntax-dispatch -> $sc-dispatch

syntax-object->datum -> syntax->datum, etc

no more syntax-error; but syntax-violation, yes.

no more sc-macro

fix module-bound? if the local variable was not bound, b
    * module/ice-9/boot-9.scm (module-bound?): module-bound? was returning
      true if (not (variable-bound? (module-local-variable m v))), but
      (variable-bound? (module-variable m v)). Fix to cut out on the first
      variable it finds. This bug has been there for a while now.

BUGS: autocompilation when it shouldn't: elisp.

change in the meaning of module transformers? was there really?

BUG: disabled macroexpansion of emacs lisp code

defmacros may now have docstrings

eval-case and eval-when

definitions in expression context

unquoting values into defmacro expansions

allow docstrings with internal definitions with syntax-case etc

eval-when for functions used by macros

scoping of "keywords" -- important?

(ice-9 syncase) deprecated

can now redefine keywords to normal values

new defns: bound-identifier=? free-identifier=? generate-temporaries


remove macroexpand, macroexpand-1; should add macroexpand back in tho

FIXME bytevectors.

FIXME unistring.

more robust threading support.

syncase knows about @/@@

macros and hygiene and modules

eval-closure-module? what?

procedure-module / scm_procedure_module

guile-config info sitedir change -- 922d369

guile-config and pkg-config

(system xref), procedure-callers, procedure-callees, can work as
variables get redefined

getrlimit and setrlimit wrappers

FIXME: getrlimit crazy namespaces...

add method-formals

BUG? procedure-property 'arity on compiled procedures will be wrong


(ice-9 session):
add-value-help-handler! remove-value-help-handler!
add-name-help-handler! remove-name-help-handler!
export module-commentary

procedure->memoizing-macro, procedure->syntax totally superdeprecated?

FIXME: update copyrights

ecmascript support?

new repl...

guile-tools compile, guile-tools disassemble (does that work?)

BUG: stack walks to see number of frames, then fills those frames.
sometimes those numbers differ, warning to console, a test case would be

FIXME: dance disassembly bug


<method> has formals, body slots; (make-procedure & procedure ?)

FIXME: rewrite while

removed (the-environment)

new function: scm_module_public_interface

BUG: help at guile prompt

new procedure, make-promise


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