Andy Wingo <> writes:

> Heya Andreas,
> You proposed a choice between two options:

I forgot to attach the patch in my last mail, here it is:

From: Andreas Rottmann <>
Subject: Show R6RS exceptions in a reasonable way in the debugger

* module/ice-9/boot-9.scm (exception-printer, set-exception-printer!):
  New procedures, implementing the exception printer registry.

* module/system/repl/error-handling.scm (error-string): Replaced with
  `print-exception' procedure which makes use of the exception printer
  registry. Call sites adjusted.

* module/rnrs/exceptions.scm (exception-printer, format-condition,
  format-simple-condition): New procedures implementing an exception
  printer for R6RS exceptions.  Register the exception printer for the
  `r6rs:exception' key.

 module/ice-9/boot-9.scm               |   15 ++++++
 module/rnrs/exceptions.scm            |   83 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 module/system/repl/error-handling.scm |   50 +++++++++++---------
 3 files changed, 123 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)

diff --git a/module/ice-9/boot-9.scm b/module/ice-9/boot-9.scm
index 29e2cd7..23b3123 100644
--- a/module/ice-9/boot-9.scm
+++ b/module/ice-9/boot-9.scm
@@ -197,6 +197,21 @@ If there is no handler at all, Guile prints an error and then exits."
               (apply (exception-handler) key args)))))
+;; Procedures for looking up and registering exception printers. Hide
+;; the shared state in a lexical contour. Note that this is a
+;; Guile-internal API, and should not be used outside of Guile itself.
+(define exception-printer #f)
+(define set-exception-printer! #f)
+(let ((exception-printers '()))
+  (set! exception-printer
+        (lambda (key)
+          (assq-ref exception-printers key)))
+  (set! set-exception-printer!
+        (lambda (key proc)
+          (set! exception-printers (acons key proc exception-printers)))))
 ;;; {R4RS compliance}
diff --git a/module/rnrs/exceptions.scm b/module/rnrs/exceptions.scm
index ff4049b..95d01df 100644
--- a/module/rnrs/exceptions.scm
+++ b/module/rnrs/exceptions.scm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;;; exceptions.scm --- The R6RS exceptions library
-;;      Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;;      Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 ;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
@@ -20,9 +20,19 @@
 (library (rnrs exceptions (6))
   (export guard with-exception-handler raise raise-continuable)
   (import (rnrs base (6))
+          (rnrs control (6))
           (rnrs conditions (6))
 	  (rnrs records procedural (6))
-	  (only (guile) with-throw-handler *unspecified* @@))
+	  (rnrs records inspection (6))
+	  (only (guile)
+                format
+                newline
+                display
+                filter
+                set-exception-printer!
+                with-throw-handler
+                *unspecified*
+                @@))
   (define raise (@@ (rnrs records procedural) r6rs-raise))
   (define raise-continuable 
@@ -64,4 +74,73 @@
        (guard0 (variable cond-clause ... (else else-clause ...)) . body))
       ((_ (variable cond-clause ...) . body)
        (guard0 (variable cond-clause ... (else (raise variable))) . body))))
+  ;;; Exception printing
+  (define (exception-printer port key args punt)
+    (cond ((and (= 1 (length args))
+                (raise-object-wrapper? (car args)))
+           (let ((obj (raise-object-wrapper-obj (car args))))
+             (cond ((condition? obj)
+                    (display "ERROR: R6RS exception:\n" port)
+                    (format-condition port obj))
+                   (else
+                    (format port "ERROR: R6RS exception: `~s'" obj)))))
+          (else
+           (punt))))
+  (define (format-condition port condition)
+    (let ((components (simple-conditions condition)))
+      (if (null? components)
+          (format port "Empty condition object")
+          (let loop ((i 1) (components components))
+            (cond ((pair? components)
+                   (format port "  ~a. " i)
+                   (format-simple-condition port (car components))
+                   (when (pair? (cdr components))
+                     (newline port))
+                   (loop (+ i 1) (cdr components))))))))
+  (define (format-simple-condition port condition)
+    (define (print-rtd-fields rtd field-names)
+      (let ((n-fields (vector-length field-names)))
+        (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
+            ((>= i n-fields))
+          (format port "      ~a: ~s"
+                  (vector-ref field-names i)
+                  ((record-accessor rtd i) condition))
+          (unless (= i (- n-fields 1))
+            (newline port)))))
+    (let ((condition-name (record-type-name (record-rtd condition))))
+      (let loop ((rtd (record-rtd condition))
+                 (rtd.fields-list '())
+                 (n-fields 0))
+        (cond (rtd
+               (let ((field-names (record-type-field-names rtd)))
+                 (loop (record-type-parent rtd)
+                       (cons (cons rtd field-names) rtd.fields-list)
+                       (+ n-fields (vector-length field-names)))))
+              (else
+               (let ((rtd.fields-list
+                      (filter (lambda (rtd.fields)
+                                (not (zero? (vector-length (cdr rtd.fields)))))
+                              (reverse rtd.fields-list))))
+                 (case n-fields
+                   ((0) (format port "~a" condition-name))
+                   ((1) (format port "~a: ~s"
+                                condition-name
+                                ((record-accessor (caar rtd.fields-list) 0)
+                                 condition)))
+                   (else
+                    (format port "~a:\n" condition-name)
+                    (let loop ((lst rtd.fields-list))
+                      (when (pair? lst)
+                        (let ((rtd.fields (car lst)))
+                          (print-rtd-fields (car rtd.fields) (cdr rtd.fields))
+                          (when (pair? (cdr lst))
+                            (newline port))
+                          (loop (cdr lst)))))))))))))
+  (set-exception-printer! 'r6rs:exception exception-printer)
diff --git a/module/system/repl/error-handling.scm b/module/system/repl/error-handling.scm
index 7d30bf0..a875496 100644
--- a/module/system/repl/error-handling.scm
+++ b/module/system/repl/error-handling.scm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ;;; Error handling in the REPL
-;; Copyright (C) 2001, 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Copyright (C) 2001, 2009, 2010, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 ;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
@@ -33,16 +33,18 @@
 ;;; Error handling via repl debugging
-(define (error-string stack key args)
-  (pmatch args
-    ((,subr ,msg ,args . ,rest)
-     (guard (> (vector-length stack) 0))
-     (with-output-to-string
-       (lambda ()
-         (display-error (vector-ref stack 0) (current-output-port)
-                        subr msg args rest))))
-    (else
-     (format #f "Throw to key `~a' with args `~s'." key args))))
+(define (print-exception port frame key args)
+  (define (print-default)
+    (pmatch args
+      ((,subr ,msg ,args . ,rest)
+       (display-error frame port subr msg args rest))
+      (else
+       (format port "ERROR: Throw to key `~a' with args `~s'." key args))))
+  (cond ((exception-printer key)
+         => (lambda (printer)
+              (printer port key args print-default)))
+        (else
+         (print-default))))
 (define* (call-with-error-handling thunk #:key
                                    (on-error 'debug) (post-error 'catch)
@@ -107,17 +109,12 @@
            (if (memq key pass-keys)
                (apply throw key args)
-                 (pmatch args
-                   ((,subr ,msg ,args . ,rest)
-                    (with-saved-ports
-                     (lambda ()
-                       (run-hook before-error-hook)
-                       (display-error #f err subr msg args rest)
-                       (run-hook after-error-hook)
-                       (force-output err))))
-                   (else
-                    (format err "\nERROR: uncaught throw to `~a', args: ~a\n"
-                            key args)))
+                 (with-saved-ports
+                   (lambda ()
+                     (run-hook before-error-hook)
+                     (print-exception err #f key args)
+                     (run-hook after-error-hook)
+                     (force-output err)))
                  (if #f #f)))))
          (lambda (key . args)
@@ -145,7 +142,14 @@
                           ;; And one more frame, because %start-stack invoking
                           ;; the start-stack thunk has its own frame too.
                           0 (and tag 1)))
-                  (error-msg (error-string stack key args))
+                  (error-msg
+                   (call-with-output-string
+                     (lambda (port)
+                       (print-exception port
+                                        (and (< 0 (vector-length stack))
+                                             (vector-ref stack 0))
+                                        key
+                                        args))))
                   (debug (make-debug stack 0 error-msg #f)))
               (lambda ()
tg: (9d427b2..) t/r6rs-exception-print (depends on: master)
Andreas Rottmann -- <>

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